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- Ljupco Mihajlov, Dalibor Jovanov, Production Quality of Some Soybean Varieties in Ovce Pole Region , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 6 No. 1 (2006): Yearbook 2006
- Goce Vasilevski, Lupco Mihajlov, Dane Bosev, Промени кај елементите во приносот на јачмен под влијание на ласерската светлина , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: 1990: Зборник на абстракти 1990-2000
- Ljupco Mihajlov, Goce Vasilevski, Dane Bosev, The Yield of the Grain in Dependence on the Seedling Dues and the Sorts of the Soybean Grown in Ovce Pole , Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences: Vol. 2 No. 1 (2002): Yearbook 2002