The Yield of the Grain in Dependence on the Seedling Dues and the Sorts of the Soybean Grown in Ovce Pole

  • Ljupco Mihajlov
  • Goce Vasilevski
  • Dane Bosev


The experiments were set up according to the block system by accidentmethod in three different repetitions on parcels of 12,5 m2 during a period ofthree years (1998, 1999 and 2000). The field was owned by the Department forExperiments, the Institute of Agriculture – Skopje in Ovce Pole.The averagebean yield of each parcel during this three- year period in all the seedling dues is2790 kg\ha and it is the highest in the second seedling period (31st March), 32 %more than the first one (21st March) and 7 % more than the fourth seedling due(11th April ). Larger quantity of the soybeans sorts and productive lines can beproduced even in the later seedling dues when the seedling is thick in theunavailable (dry) years (2000), while the most available productive year (1999)was marked by a larger yield of soybeans in thin seedling during the earlier seedling dues (the second due – 31st March), than the productive lines and thesorts with longer vegetation.


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