Morphoanatomical Changes at Cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) Under Iinfluence of Different 2,4-D Concentrations

  • Suzana Kratovalieva
  • Lenka Cvetanovska


Influence of synthetic plant growth regulator 2,4-D to somemorphoanatomical parameters at cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) has beenresearched. In the form of water solution through the soil in the rosette phase2,4-D has been applied in followed concentrations: 2,0; 4,0 and 8,0 mg/l.Paralleled with those variants has been performed a control plant group treatedwith equally water volume. Analyze samples have been taken after 15, 30 and 45day after hormone treatment. Obtained results pointed out that after 15 and 30days 2,4-D has been influenced stimulate on morphological parameters valueswhile stem elongation has been stimulated under 2,0 mg/l only, but after 45 daysonly 8,0 mg/l has been influenced stem inchibating; 2,0 as well as 4,0 mg/l havebeen yet influenced toxically on the rested parameters. Right proportionalitywith increased 2,4-D concentrations root length has been decreased. After 15and 30 days under 2,0 and 4,0 mg/l stomata parameters values have beenincreased than at 8,0 mg/l whereas shown decreasing. At the least sample taking(after 45 days) the stomata number increased under 2,0 and 4,0 mg/l 2,4-Dconcentration while under 8,0 mg/l this parameter decreased.Key words: cucumber, morphology, anatomy, stomata.


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