Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms in three parthenogenetic meloidogyne SPP

  • Makedonka Dautova
  • Hein Overmars
  • Jaap Bakker
  • Geert Smant
  • Fred J. Gommers


In order to expand our understanding of the genetics of root-knot nematodes, thevariation in nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA in Meloidogyne incognita, M.arenaria and M. javanica was investigated. Despite the obligate mitoticparthenogenetic mode of reproduction, a large number of AFLP polymorphismswere observed among all 16 populations studied. Both UPGMA and principlecoordinate analyses revealed three distinct groups that corresponded with therespective species identities of the 16 populations. M. incognita was geneticallymost distinct. Amplification of 63 bp tandem repeats (TR) in mtDNA from singleindividuals enabled the calculation of diversity measures at three hierarchicallevels: within individuals, among individuals of a single population and amongpopulations. For all three species, the highest diversity was observed withinindividuals explaining 43 to 65% of the total diversity. Many individualscontained more than one mtDNA size variant. M. incognita harboured the mostheteroplasmic individuals and was the most homogenous at the population level.Only 13% of the total diversity was observed among populations, while thisfigure was 35% for M. arenaria. Both TR and AFLP data showed that M.arenaria is the most heterogeneous species. The comparison of the geneticdistances based on AFLPs and mtDNA size variants revealed a significantcorrelation for the six M. arenaria populations, whereas no consistent correlationwas observed for the populations of the other two species.


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