Entrepreneurship in Small Businesses and Intrapreneurship in Large Companies

  • Risto Kosturanov


The importance of the topic comes from the significant economical andsocial value that an entrepreneur has in the economically developed countriesand as a result of the constant growth of entrepreneurship in all spheres.What the society could and should do to develop Entrepreneurship andIntrapreneurship is to create a surrounding in which people, individuals willreveal a special talent or affinity for a certain matter on time. It will have tocreate conditions in which everyone will strive to achieve successful results.However, it is very important to create an atmosphere in which failure will beconsidered a normal thing that should not discourage.Besides the changes in the common economical environment, radicalchanges are also needed in the mentality and culture for free entrepreneurshipand business.In order to develop Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship there arecertain preconditions necessary to succeed in it, one of which is reinforcementof the collaboration between the companies, service providers, institutions anduniversities and the Government that has to create positive surrounding foreconomical development.Importance should also be given to education. Supplying more fundsand conducting reforms in the education will lead to greater knowledge whichcombined with the entrepreneur spirit will lead to encreased productivity.Research and analyses are conducted of:1. An Entrepreneur whose firm can not grow, family business.2. An Entrepreneur who wants the firm to grow.3. An Intrapreneur in the real meaning of the word, who wants developmentand investments.


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