Comparative Results for Productivity of Bread Wheat (TriticumVulgare L) and Triticosecale (Triticosecale sp.)

  • Elizabeta Girazova
  • Milisav Ivanoski
  • Vinko Stanoev


The results from two years of research (2003/04 and 2004/05) on the productivity of the bread wheat cultivar Radika and the triticale cultivar Triglav have been compared. The State Cultivar Commission uses these cultivars as standards for its trials. Radika is used for micro trails of wheat and Triglav is used for micro trails of Triticosecale. Triticosecale has 7g higher mass of 1000 grains, and 7.7kg/hl lower hectoliter mass than wheat. The average grain yields for Triticosecale is 7.13 t/ ha and 7.3 t/ha for wheat. Triticosecale ripens 4 to 12 days earlier than wheat. The average stem height for Triticosecale is 126.4 cm, and the stem height of wheat is 42.1 cm shorter.


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Резултати од испитувањата на Државната сортна комисија за поледелски и градинарска растенија од 2000 до 2005 година, Скопје.
