Comperative Examination of some Productive-Technological Characteristics of Introduced and Standard Varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

  • Verica Ilieva
  • Danica Andreevska
  • Dobre Andonov
  • Tanja Zasheva
  • Natalija Markova


In order to expand the genetic base of the existing produced assortiment and available selective material, ten introduced Italian variety of rice (castelmochi, cistella, diana, italmochi, prometeo, ringo, seleneio, andolla, dedalo and pegaso) were examined for the most important morphological-biological, production and technological characteristics compared with standard varieties in our country. (monticelli and biser -2). This paper analyzes the obtained results for yield of paddy, dressing percentage of white rice (whole grain), and the other fraction by processing of paddy. In the period of two years during the research none of the introduced variety showed superiority comparing to the standard variety, as a result of their variety specifi cation and weak capability for adaptation in new soil and climatic conditions. Because of that none of these varieties are not recommended for direct use in production of rice in our country. According to some positive morphological-biological characteristics which they have, all varieties are included in selective program and they are used as parental variety during the hybridization and producing of variable population with new genetic polymorph.


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