• Denis Stojkanović


Once upon a time in the past, advertising was mostly done through television, radio, newspapers and magazines. However, well-known brands are still classically advertised. Most companies are not able to immediately place information about their products in the mass media. The term "mainstream media" was used by the first Noam Chonski (Z Media Institute, June 2017) to describe media that are primarily aimed at a wider audience that simultaneously forms and directs public opinion, citing The New York Times and CBS. Smaller retailers, depending on the large retailers, have to work harder to be more noticeable in the market. Large companies as well as various state bodies can still switch using the media, because they are already known, and have more interesting news, so they do not have to invest a lot of effort in advertising their products. The late director of the company, Steve Jobs, presented a new product on the market, ie the iphone at the IT fair, and the media immediately announced it. However, if we are talking about some companies that have great products and are not well known enough, then it will be difficult to gain media attention. Advertising should not be equated with one-way marketing, although it can be an important part of the overall strategy. More intelligent marketers regularly succeed for their organizations by communicating through social networks, ie the web. Both large and small retailers need to communicate regularly with consumers. They need to work harder to be as visible as possible on the internet because only in this way can they entice customers to buy something from them. Nowadays, economic propaganda is becoming a major area of ​​marketing costs. Today, some companies spend over 40 million dollars a year just for advertising in the media, and they also spend on other forms of promotional activities. The best propaganda goals are specified and measurable, because one must know exactly what propaganda should do. It is important that propaganda has a goal that can be measured, or else it will never be known whether the money has been spent successfully
