Challenges Faced by Roma Women in Europe on Education, Employment, Health and Housing - Focus on Czech Republic, Romania and Greece
Roma women in Europe are probably discriminated against more than any other group, facing discrimination both for their ethnic origin and their gender. Due to being part of a minority facing isolation, poverty, discrimination and often embracing masculine social values, Roma women have to face multiple challenges. However, the nature of these challenges varies between the different states, as is evident in the case of the three countries examined here. Although positive steps have been taken in all three countries lately, in practice, Roma girls and women still face discrimination with respect to equal access to education, employment, health care and housing. Current policies and initiatives do not have a significant impact because they are most often designed in a top-down approach, with little or no consultation and direct involvement of the Roma community. What is needed to produce a real impact is a different approach: a bottom-up initiative taking place within Roma communities, both geographically and organisationally.Keywords: Roma women, discrimination, integration, minorities, social policies, vulnerable social groups, education, employment, health, housing
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