The Influence of Laser Light on the Yield of Potato

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Goce Vasilevski
  • D. Jankulovski


Since 1999-2000 year, on the field of Institute of Southern crops-Strumica, on aluvial soil with neutral soil reaction, has been investigated the lasertreated end untreated potato seed materials in two experiment, which wereestablished on the randomized blokes in the three repetitions. The size ofexperimental field parcel was 25 m2.The main aim of the investigation was toconsolidate the influence of the laser light on the yield of potato in the regionof Strumica. The results have been showed that laser light can increasedpotatos yield. All exanimate laser-treated sorts have been more high yield thancontrols. The yields of laser-treated variants at the investigation years are from29,0 t/ha at the Karin to 37,2 t/ha at the Vineta. Increasing on yield at the lasertreatedsorts are from 3,07% at to Resy to 28,32% at to Karin.


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