Family violence - social occurrence today

  • Daniela Dani Koceva University "Goce Delchev" Stip
  • Vlado Petrovski University "Goce Delchev" Stip


This paper will give a brief overview of domestic violence as a real happening in our country and around the world , including violence on children , violence between spouses or abuse of spouse . Domestic violence can also include cohabitants and intimate partners who are not married . In most countries in the world violence proportions of a problem primarily social character . This problem affects the economic and overall development of a society , which brings with it devastating consequences , as with respect to the primary victim ( wife / husband) , and in terms of the secondary victim children . Macedonia is no exception to this social deviation , rather the number of people abused within the family daily. Many organizations navladini started work in order to find solutions that can at least within certain limits to control this problem . However it is a sensitive subject , starting from the point that semestvoto a community in which its members have the right to enjoy family life and privacy .




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