Parliamentary Scrutiny: Practice in the Republic of Macedonia

  • Snezana Gusheva Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia


Parliamentary control is a specific kind of political control that Parliament exercises over the Government as holder of executive power and is one of the most standard features of parliaments in countries with parliamentary or mixed system. In Macedonia, where the system is basically parliamentary, the Constitution enables the Assembly to exercise control and supervision over the Government. Empirical data show that in 24 years of functioning of multi-party Parliament, mainly the opposition has used relatively often the standard control instruments known in comparative constitutional law, such as parliamentary questions, interpellation and the question of confidence in the government. Through these tools the work of governments was continuously monitored, evaluated and criticized. The procedures for accountability of Ministers or Government have been raised many times, but all have finished without "success." The parliamentary majority and strong party discipline in all mandates, provided stability and support of the Governments for their policies. The opposition had to be "satisfied" with "disturbing" the Government and with the impact on public opinion and the possibility to thus win the trust of citizens to choose their program at the next elections.

Keywords: parliamentary questions, interpellation, the question of confidence, dissolution of Parliament, party discipline


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Author Biography

Snezana Gusheva, Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia
Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev"- Shtip, MAcedonia


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