Saveski, Z & Demiri, M (2014) ''Nationalism in(out) Context, The cooperation between Albanians and Macedonians from Ilinden Uprising to Peoples-liberating war”, Skopje: Solidarity (REVIEW)
Inspired by the work of the authors Zdravko Saveski and Mariglen Demiri called ''Nationalism (n) context'' that even in the preface to call for a paradigm shift, in which the policies and institutions have to leave the passion of nationalism. In addition, inevitably it must be noted that the paper is written in two-national languages, Macedonian and Albanian.Downloads
Saveski, Z & Demiri, M (2014) ''Nationalism in(out) Context, The cooperation between Albanians and Macedonians from Ilinden Uprising to Peoples-liberating war”, Skopje: Solidarity, p.121. [Славевски, З и Демири, М. (2014) „Национализмот во(н) контекст, Соработка на Албанците и Македонците од Илинденското востание до Народноослободителната војна“, Скопје: Солидарност.]
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