Crimes of Criminal Insolvency in Macedonian Legislation
Over the years, Macedonia has suffered many economic slowdowns as a result of the incompetent legislature prone to economic crime. After many improvements to the relevant legislation, there are still difficulties in detection and proving these crimes. It is unclear whether the state authorities are really willing to prosecute and sanction these crimes or if the legislation was improved with no expectations of these improvements changing the prevailing practice. Why do we have so few convictions, when it is more than clear that criminal insolvency is the cancer of our economy and represents unlawful adoption of property and profits? The purpose of this article is to elaborate the phenomenon of criminal insolvency and to illustrate the real image of the criminal insolvency procedures before the Macedonian courts, in order to find appropriate solutions for more efficient fight against this kind of crime.
Keywords: criminal insolvency, insolvency, crimes, Macedonia, criminal proceedings, economy.
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