Normative Regulation of Internal Communication within the Government Bodies in the Republic of Macedonia

  • Suzana DZAMTOSKA-ZDRAVKOVSKA Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia


Internal communication is essential for the efficient functioning of the institutions in the system. The positioning of internal communication at an appropriate level in accordance with the needs of the employees for completion of their work activities and tasks is a prerequisite for successful and timely completion of the activities, and at the same time for a higher level of functioning of external communication.

The paper focuses on internal communication in the bodies of state administration in the Republic of Macedonia, in terms of its normative regulation of horizontal and vertical level. The purpose of the paper is to identify organizational and normative gaps in defining the horizontal and vertical communication within the administrative bodies in the country. The survey, which covered 15 ministries in the Republic of Macedonia, consists of the analysis of the responses received by the ministries in terms of the existence of bylaws regulating the internal exchange of information.

The results of the received answers showed that no ministry in the Republic of Macedonia has adopted normative acts or regulations governing internal exchange of information - horizontally or vertically.


Key words: Internal communication, normative acts, forms, shapes, exchange of information.


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Author Biography

Suzana DZAMTOSKA-ZDRAVKOVSKA, Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia
Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev"- Shtip, Macedonia


* Rulebook on systematization of job positions of the Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje, 2008

* Rulebook on storing and protecting documents, reports, data and other bylaws in MI, Skopje, 2007

* Regulation on the principles of internal organization of the state administration bodies ("Official Gazette" of RM no. 105/2007 from 03.09.2007)

* Guidelines for the conduct and interrelationships of police officers ("Official Gazette" of RM No. 65/07

* Guideline on the method of conducting communication with the public, Skopje, 2008

* Law on Organization and Operation of the State Administration Bodies ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 58 from 21.07.2000)

* Law on Civil Servants (“Official Gazette of RM” no. 76 from 07.06.2010)

* Law on Free Access to Public Information ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 13 of 01.02.2006)

* Law on Classified Information ("Official Gazette of RM" no. 9/04 from 27.02.2004)

* Law on Local Self- Government (“Official Gazette of RM” no. 5 from 29.01.2002)

On line sources:

* Baker A. Kathryn (2002) Organizational communication

* Glossary definition
