Standardization of the Macedonian and French Legal Terminology as a Pre-Condition for a Successful Implementation of Euro-Atlantic Integrations

  • Svetlana JAKIMOVSKA Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia


One of the very important aspects and obligations that the Republic of Macedonia should fulfill on its way of Euro-Atlantic integrations is the translation of a vast corpus of texts, whose content concerns mainly the field of law. Of course, the bulk of these texts are written in English, but a considerable part is also written or should be translated into French. In order to have a successful translation it is essential to standardize the terms used in Macedonian and French legal language, and at the same time to standardize the equivalents of the source language to the target language. This paper aims to represent the characteristics of the terminology standardization in France and to compare it to the terminology standardization in the Republic of Macedonia, in order to point out the flaws and the possibilities of their overcoming.

Key words: standardization, legal terminology, French language, Macedonian language.


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Author Biography

Svetlana JAKIMOVSKA, Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia
Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev"- Shtip, MAcedonia


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