Corpvs Ivris Civilis Romani: About Controversies During the Creation of the Justinian’s Codification
Ludwig Feuerbach (1804–1872) has said that there are three books in the entire European history which must not be pushed into oblivion: The Christian Holy Bible, Justinian’s Corpus Iuris Civilis and Marx's Das Kapital, because, “they mostly feed humanity”. Perhaps that is the reason why every single attempt to criticize these colossal works, even if it pretends to be called ‘scientific’, must be written by a hand that trembles. The intention of this work is, through a historical-comparative and logical-teleological approach, to explore the question which was ignored so far: How is it possible, in six short years, to create such a magnificent legal work, at least three times bigger than the Bible? Our goal is to add deepness to what has been, at least in Macedonian literature - so far a disappointingly shallow debate about the way and circumstances in which the famous Justinian Codification was created (6th century). In addition, the main point of argumentation is that solicitors, called to create this codified work, leaned on a solid base of previously created legal codices. These codices were used in the legal education in the Higher Law Schools, i.e. Faculties which existed in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire.Downloads
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• Articles
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