Basic Characteristics of the New Wheat Variety Mila (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare)

  • Dragica Spasova
  • Sasa Mitrev
  • Mite Ivanovski
  • Dusan Spasov


Mila is the first new bread wheat variety created in the Institute ofSouthern Crops in Strumica. It was obtained by reselection, with individualselection from improved cultivar Radika-2.The new variety Mila was approved in 2004. During the investigationin the period 2002/03-2003/04 organized by State Commission for VarietiesApproval, Mila reached an average yield of 8.570 kg/ha, which was 6.2%higher compared to the variety Radika.Mila posseses high genetic potential for the yield, which is over 11t/ha. Regarding some technological parameters (starchiness, yield and breadvolume) this variety shows higher values compared to the variety Radika-2.Mila has averagely 10.5% higher flour yield and 11.7% higher bread yield thanthe variety Radika.According to the chemical and technological characteristics of kernel,Mila is classified in the II quality class, B1 technological subgroup Mila, whichmake it a very good bread wheat variety.


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