Study the Efficacy of Regent WG 800 g/kg Againts Pea Granivore Bruchus Pisorum M L. (COL. Chrysomelidae)

  • Ivelina Nikolova
  • Svilen Raykov
  • Dusan Spasov


AbstractControl in spring fodder pea during the period 2008-2009 is done for peagranivore Bruchus pisorum L. A fi eld experience is derived with the insecticideRegent 800 WG (Fipronil 800g/kg) at doses of 50, 100, 150 and 200 g/ha.Karate Zolon (Lambda-cihalotrin +Fozalon 200 ml / ha is used for reference.The treatment is performed twice in budding stage and fl owering stage andtwice in phases early fl owering and full fl owering. Non-systemic phenylpyrazoleinsecticide used in doses of 150 and 200 g/ha has a high effi ciency (89.0-100.0%) and its toxic action continued in the next few days after introduction(72.1-87.4%). The results of using the product in doses of 50 and 100 g / ha areunsatisfactory. The lowest percentage of grains damaged by Bruchus pisorum(3.1 to 4.5%) is ascertained in plants treatment with a dose of 150 and 200 g/ha in budding stage and early beginning.The extent of damage decreased from 56.9 to 67.2 percents is comparedwith the consistent application of insecticides in fl owering stage and full fl owering.Double introduction in doses of 150 and 200 g/ha in budding stage andearly fl owering increases grain yield compared under control from 22.5 (2577,4kg/ha) to 29.1% (2716.8 kg/ha) – on average 13.8% more than the treatmentin early fl owering stage and full fl owering, the number of grains of one plantfrom 21.2 to 24.6% and grains weight of one plant from 36.9 to 43.4 percent.


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