World’s fi nancial crisis that appears in the last quarter of 2008 with epicenter in the USA, excluded on the surface many elements according to which ids talked about the crisis of one economic and political exhausted system: liberal capitalism. As a reason for the fi nancial crisis is quoted breaking up of market’s real estates in America, by which a number of fi nancial institutions registered enormous loses. Many oh the very strong investional banks and other fi nancial institutions bankrupted, and those who passed the starting stroke of the crisis continued to functionalize on new reconstructioned ownership structure with emphasized infl uence, revision and control by the state. There are located weaknesses in regulative and supervisor function. It is known that the fi nancial crisis, above all, are of the fastest growing of the money offering, money surrogates and money derivates from the real estate. Regardless, how the raised defi ciency in fi nancial system of the USA is seen in incability to provide mobilization of economization, placing of the capital and avoiding of risks, is quoted as a catalizator for coming up of the fi nancial crisis.