FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURE OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ORDER contemporary issues of normative, factual and axiological elements

  • Matej Savic


In this paper, the author deals with theoretical issues of international legal order and its structure in general. Actual issues of legal nature specificity, fundamental basis and normative-factual-axiological relationship of international legal order constitutive elements are discussed in this article. The author analyzes the most important understandings and conceptions in the theory of international law, which have an impact on the contemporary international legal trends, with a focus on contemporary problems in terms of implementation of international cogent norms, progressive development of international law and the scope of international legal order in general. On the other hand, the political processes and the actual practice of international actors, i.e. subjects of international law, in respect of normative framework and axiological values are particularly discussed in this paper. These issues provoked the author to try to offer a theoretical perspective towards conceptual solutions regarding the foundamental structure of international legal order.
Keywords: international legal order, cogent norms, structuralism, legal objectivism, international voluntarism, international community.
