

    Научно-стручна конференција

    Електротехника, Технологија, Информатика, Машинство и автоматика - технички науки во служба на економија, образование и индустрија.

  • Balkan Social Science Review

    BSSR is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed, journal for academics that aims to establish and provide an intellectual platform for international scholars. The main  interests of the journal are:

    1. interest in the Balkans seen through the prism of different social science disciplines as well as

    2. interest in the social changes in the global world seen and analyzed apart from the Balkans or through the way they affect the Balkans.

  • Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World"

    Proceeding of the international conference organized by the Faculty of Law, University Goce Delchev in Shtip, that is annauly held since 2014 in September, in Shtip.

    ISBN 978-608-244-548-9 for Proceedings Number 5, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, year 2018

    ISBN 978-608-244-647-9 for Proceedings Number 6, Vol. 1 and Vol.2, year 2019

  • Student's Social Science Journal

    The Journal is from the field of Law, Political Science and Sociology, and accepts professional and scientific papers. The languages of publication are Macedonian, English, Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Croatian and Italian language. The Journal has an international editorial board and is open for foreign students. The SSSJ is published two times a year.

     The Student’s Social Science Journal is publishing original research papers, review papers, short communications, professional papers, presentations and book reviews in the field of teaching, scientific and application activities of the Faculty of Law at the University Goce Delcev – Stip (Macedonia).  The manuscripts should be prepared completely according to the instructions.

    Submission of a manuscript implies that: the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract, or a part of a published lecture, or thesis); it is not under consideration for publication anywhere; its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any. Publication has been approved as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute (institution) where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible in case of claims for compensation and reimbursement of authors’ rights.

    Manuscript must confirm strictly to the instruction for authors and sent to the editor. Incoming manuscripts are initially judged by the editor. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they do not comply with the instructions to author or are beyond the scope of the journal. If the manuscript is acceptable in principle, it will be forwarded to referees for evaluation. All manuscript are reviewed by independent reviewers. After final edition and approval by the editorial board, the manuscript will be accepted for publication. The editor reserves the right to make editorial changes. Authors agree, after the manuscript’s acceptance, with the transfer of copyright to the publisher.


    Меѓународната научна конференција ФИЛКО e посветена на филологијата, културата и образованието и ги обединува на едно место професионалците од овие области (професори, докторанди, магистранти).

    Международная научная конференция «ФИЛКО», посвящённая филологии, культуре и образованию, призвана собрать и объединить профессиональных исследователей в данных областях: преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов. 

    The International Scientific Conference FILKO, dedicated to philology, culture and education, aims to gather all professionals from these fields (professors, doctoral students and postgraduate students) in one place by joining this event. 


    Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the second one in November.
    The journal publishes papers in the area of linguistics, literary science, teaching methodology and culturology. In addition, there is a section reserved for reviews of books, monographs, and other publications in the sphere of philology and culturology. The international journal Palimpsest publishes papers in the following languages: Macedonian, English, Russian, German, Italian, French and Turkish.
    All papers are double-blind peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers prior to being accepted for publication.

  • Geologica Macedonica

    The Geologica Macedonica is an international, open access, peer reviewed, both online and printed journal.

    The journal focuses on the following areas of publication: Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Ore deposits, Environmental geochemistry, Hydrogeology, Engineering geology, Geophysics, and other branches of the Earth Sciences.


  • Воспитание / Vospitanie - Journal of Educational Sciences, Theory and Practice

     Vospitanie - Journal of Educational Sciences, Theory and Practice is an official publication of the “Goce Delcev” University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Stip, Republic of Macedonia. It is published twice yearly. The journal publishes original scientific papers, short communications, reviews, professional and educational papers from all fields of advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. Particularly, papers that are interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to the study and survey of the problems in education.


  • Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences

    Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences (ЈАРЅ) is an international journal for publication of scientific, professional and applicative achievements in agriculture and plant sciences. The journal is publishing original research papers, review articles, short communications, professional and technical papers and book reviews. The journal is publishing results from fundamental, applicative and technical research in broader area of agricultural and plant sciences.  

  • Journal of Economics

    The Journal of Economics ISSN 1857-9973 is an international, open access, peer reviewed, online journal. The journal focuses on the following areas of publication: Economics (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,  International Economics), Banking and Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Management and Business, Entrepreneurship and Marketing.

  • Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century

    The Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics at the Goce Delcev University of Stip invites you to participate with your papers at the International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century". We invite all researchers to participate in sharing experiences and ideas on various topics (contemporary trends in tourism, hospitality and gastronomy, marketing and promotion, tourism and hotel management, cartography and spatial planning, microeconomics and macroeconomics, contemporary trends in logistics, business, management, finance, public administration, women and entrepreneurship, etc.).

    Факултетот за туризам и бизнис логистика при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип Ве поканува да учествувате со Ваши трудови на Меѓународнаta научна конференција „Предизвиците на туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век“.Ги покануваме сите научни работници и истражувачи да учествуваат во споделувањето на искуства и идеи на различни теми (современи трендови во туризмот, хотелиерство и гастрономија, маркетинг и промоција, туристички и хотелски менаџмент, картографија и просторно планирање, микроекономија и макроекономија, современи трендови во логистиката, бизнис, менаџмент, финансии, јавна администрација, жените и претприемништвото итн.).

  • International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism

    The International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism (IJEMT) is published by the Faculty of Tourism and Business logistics at University “Goce Delchev”, Shtip, N. Macedonia. The journal is dedicated to the advancement of interdisciplinary research and practices across economics, management, and tourism, and become a leading journal in its field. Each submitted paper will be sent for blinded peer review.

    The IJEMT is peer-reviewed and issued two times per year, in both online version and printed version[*]. All manuscripts should be classified according to JEL Classification System

    [*] - Printed version of IJEMT e-ISSN. Printing on demand - Extra fee will be charged to the author/s.

  • Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics

    Годишниот зборник на Факултетот за туризам и бизнис логистика (ФТБЛ) од Универзитетот Гоце Делчев – Штип претставува збирка на трудови во областа на туризмот и бизнис логистиката.

  • Yearbook - Faculty of Computer Science

    The Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science from "Goce Delcev" University - Stip is a collection of achievements in computer science and technology, mathematics and applied mathematics.

  • Book of abstracts "International Symposium at Faculty of Medical Sciences"


    "International Symposium at Faculty of Medical Sciences"


    Faculty of Medical Sciences at Goce Delcev University, Stip organize International Symposium

    Current achievements and future perspectives in medical and biomedical research

    The Symposium will be held on 24th of November 2015 at the Multimedia center of the Faculty of Economics in Stip.

    The Symposium will be accredited by the Pharmaceutical Chamber of Republic of Macedonia.