Call for paper for BSSR Vol.25
Open call for papers for June's issue of 2025
Read more about Call for paper for BSSR Vol.25Open call for papers for June's issue of 2025
Read More Read more about Call for paper for BSSR Vol.25Balkan Social Science Review (BSSR) is established on behalf of the Faculty of Law at the Goce Delcev University in Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia. It is an open access journal where the procedure for processing and publication of papers is provided without any fee for the authors. It is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to law, political sciences, and specific areas of sociology (as provided with the call for papers), as well as media and communications topics, seen in the context of the Balkan, with an emphasis on matters of theory and broad issues arising from the relationship of wider social science disciplines encouraging interdisciplinary approach in areas of relevance. Apart from our interest in the Balkan, BSSR is also an international journal and it also welcomes international scholars and their research on legal, social, and political changes and tendencies, and topics in the area of media and communications as it aims to become the leading international academic and intellectual platform for social sciences in the Balkans.
The journal does not favor one over another approach, but rather encourages the use of appropriate social science approaches for the given topic or paper. The BSSR urges potential authors to consider a wide range of important policy discussions, arguments, practices, methodologies, and theories, in areas including the main scope of this journal - Social Sciences. We encourage researches in:
• Comparative studies within Balkans and Europe
• Law and legal framework in different Balkan countries and approximation of EU legislative and practices
• International relations of Balkan countries (Geopolitics), but also and inner-regional cooperation and perspectives
• The political status of each Balkan country, and the regional politics, seen in the perspectives of different political theories
• Ethnicity, social inclusion, and national identity development in the context of the Balkan
• Good governance, human rights, human development and Civil societies in the Balkan
• Public Administration in different Balkan countries- compared experiences in the region and European practices
• Media and Communications in the Balkans and in international perspective
• Security aspects of the Balkan region, building peace and coexistence
• Legal, social and political changes and tendencies in the global world and up-to-date research from international scholars, seen apart from the Balkans or through their influence in the Balkans and vice versa.
Please note that the lists of topics are not closed, and the editors are open to considering related subjects of interest for publication.
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For Autor guidelines propositions you can find additional information on
1. Editor in Chief:
Dr. Jovan ANANIEV, Goce Delcev University Stip, Faculty of Law, North Macedonia
Tel. +389 32 550 450
2. Managing editor:
Dr. Marija AMPOVSKA, Goce Delcev Univesity Stip, Faculty of Law, North Macedonia
+389 32 550 471
3. Language editor:
Dr. Kristine WHITNABLE, Goce Delcev Univesity Stip, North Macedonia
Editorial board in alphabetical :
Alenka Verbole, professor, Schiller International University, Germany
Kristine Whitnable, PhD, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia,
Ana Nikodinovska Krstevska, associate professor, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia
Borka Tushevska Gavrilovikj, professor, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia
Hassan Mustafa, associate professor, Al Falah University, UAE
Helga Špadina, associate professor, University Josip Jurij Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia
Jean Paul Lehners, UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and professor at the University of Luxemburg. Luxemburg
Livia Trellova, associate professor, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
Monika Hinteregger, professor, University of Graz, Austria
Nikola Vangelov, assistant professor St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University, Bulgaria
Olga V. Popova, professor, St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Petr Šustek, professor, Charles University, Czech Republic
Robert Grzeszczak, professor, University of Warsaw, Poland
Strashko Stojanovski, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia
Vanja-Ivan Savić, associate professor, University of Zagreb, Croatia
ISSN 1857-8799 printed version
ISSN 1857-8772 online edition
Journal's URL:
Journal's DOI:
The journal is indexed in Scopus, EBSCO, CEEOL and HeinOnline.
Index Copernicus Value (ICV)
ICV 2023 = 109.50
Copyright © 2023 by Goce Delcev University Stip, North Macedonia