• Kristina Kern Primary School Hinko Smrekar, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia
Keywords: music, percussion, long and short tones, difference, diversity


Music art is a subject through which students get to know the folk tradition, get to know each other, become aware of each other’s differences, differences. They strengthen the psycho physical and social development. It helps us improve our mental abilities and also strengthens us physically. In this paper, I would like to show a few lessons in the subject of music art, in which students will learn about difference and expand knowledge, deepen their awareness of diversity. In these times when the world is changing radically (economy, health, public and cultural life, education), professionals in the field of education with the help of ICT equipment began to develop innovative ideas for working with our students, we began to build a new education system and training. We have introduced new learning approaches, methods, and techniques of teaching material through various applications and programs. I chose the MS Teams application to teach the material, where I prepared a special channel for students, which was secured and to which I added learning material every day, which we also processed and discussed at a video conference with my students. For example, in my posts I show a music art class where I show interactive work with my students. I prepared a Microsoft Power point for the lesson, thus enabling students to learn remotely with the help of ICT. At the video meeting, we felt like we were in school.


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