Encouraging critical thinking in pupils is important, as by developing this skill, they learn self-reflection, evaluation, argumentation, reasoning, tolerance for different views, empathy and striving for the truth. When teaching literature in the first educational period, teachers can encourage critical thinking when dealing with literary texts. We can implement De Bono’s thinking hats method adapted to lower-level pupils, in which we contemplate a problem from the perspective of six hats. The six hats method involves parallel thinking, in which all participants simultaneously think within the framework of one hat colour. Each of the six hats is a different colour and has its own meaning. Thinking under the hats takes place in the context of a selected fairy tale, which pupils interpret by presenting their points of view by taking into account the characteristics of the hats. By means of hats, pupils face the fairy tale, solve the problem that appears in it as a group, and thus get to know themselves, other pupils and their way of thinking. The hat method has a positive effect on the pupils’ literature lessons, as they show greater reading motivation and develop critical and creative thinking. They actively discuss, and participate in, what they read, evaluate the text, present their knowledge, touch upon their emotions and thoughts, and seek new ideas and solutions regarding the content of what they read. The purpose of the paper is to present an adapted six hats method in the teaching of literature, which is carried out in the third grade of primary school.
Keywords: lower level, literary text, critical thinking, parallel thinking, six thinking hats method
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