During our education, each of us met peers who had learning difficulties or who responded in a different and incomprehensible way to us. Children, who today are defined by the single term children with special needs, have a greater chance of being successful, gained through the planned introduction of inclusion in our school system. In this way, Slovenian education has opened up space for those children who deviate from what society defines as normal. Everyone deserves inclusion, in the process of which we are interested in the position of people who are considered marginal in a given society. The words ethics, justice and solidarity are associated with the concept of inclusion. Inclusion should go beyond integration, it's not just about physically bringing together children without problems and children with problems, it's about going beyond ideologies. Inclusion is therefore a complex process that cannot succeed overnight. All employees at the school must strive for it, because only with cooperation and acceptance will we take a step forward.
An important part of the treatment of a student with special needs is also the preparation of an individualized program. The article explains the creation of an individualized program, the collection of documentation, the recording of a functioning assessment, the planning of goals, evaluations and cooperation in the preparation of the program with professionals, parents and the child.
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