Ecological Humanism and Building Ecological Awareness through Children's Literature

  • Ivana Karova Koceva Student
Keywords: bear, planet, children, ecology, awareness


Children's literature is essential for every young reader. It fosters the development of many important skills and abilities, especially when it comes to educational literature that positively influences children's emotional and mental development.

"Rasho saves the Planet Earth" is a children's book by the author Mimoza Ristova, which tells the story of Rasho, a bear advocating for social responsibility in protecting the planet Earth.

Through the engaging and entertaining narrative, the book educates children about the importance of ecological awareness and the responsibility we all should have to protect our planet.


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10. Ристова, М. (2018). Рашо ја спасува планетата Земја, Просветно дело, Скопје.