Medical Pharmacologic Treatment (A. K. A. Chemical Castration) in the Macedonian Criminal Code

  • Olga Koshevaliska Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia


The implementation of the new measure of security – pharmacologic medical treatment (a.k.a. chemical castration) in the Macedonian Criminal Code is the most ongoing issue in the criminal theory and practice not only in Macedonia but also in the Balkan region. This measure is the first of its kind implemented in the whole region of the Western Balkan countries. Somehow our country finds itself to be most committed to introducing this measure in our Criminal Code. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to give a theoretical explanation of the medical pharmacological treatment (chemical castration), to give a comparative approach of this measure in countries that have made chemical castration legal,, to explore the legal nature of this measure and, finally to elaborate the need of its implementation in our justice system so we can finally give comments and recommendation of this legal solution.
Key words: medical pharmacological treatment, castration, security measures, sanctions, treatment, criminal law, child, sexual act.


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Author Biography

Olga Koshevaliska, Univesity Goce Delchev- Shtip, Faculty of Law, Macedonia
Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev"- Shtip, MAcedonia


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