Effect of Seedling Dues and the Sort on the Height on Placing on the First Pod on the Stem at Soybean

  • Ljupco Mihajlov
  • Goce Vasilevski
  • Dane Bosev


Investigations were carried in order to verifi the effect on the seedlingdues and the sort over the placing on the first pod, becaus of this is veryimportant productive caracteristic by aspect to the lose on grain to introducemachinery into harvest. Analysised 4 varietetes soybean in four differentseedling dues, during a period of three years. In average (1998-2000), by allsorts, the plaving were is from 8,3 cm. where the first to 10,2 cm. where thefourth seedling due. With increase on the thicknees the crop in the later seedlingdues, it is increasing and the height on placing on the first pod. The sort withlonger vegetation (balkan), where is heightest, and (015) with shortestvegetation with lowest placing first pod. While the most available productiveyear (1999), the first pod where is heightest placing, and lowest in theunavailable (dry), 2000 year.


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