The Influence of Pollination in different Phases of Development the Blossom over the Yield of the Seed per Plant and Land of Tomato (L. Esculentum) from the Aspect of the Heterogenous Seed Production

  • Milan Georgievski


The influence of pollination in different stages over the yield of the seed per plant and land has been analized. The results showed that the yield of the seed per plant and land during the pollination of development the tomato blossom, has varied at different combinations and variants. The low yield of the seed (0,395 g) per plant and (12.245 kg) per hectare, has been observed at MB x K – 363, and the higher yield (8,944 g) per plant and (277.258 kg) per hectare, was obtained at the fourth variant at H – 35 x K – 363 combination. This showed that the yield of the seed per plant and land is variety characteristic. Pollination and castration should be done early in the morning at the third phase of development the tomato blossom, to get higher yield of the seed per plant and land, without changing the heterogenous effect.


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