The properties that identify the type of tobacco, or the variety in one type, are divided into two groups: qualitative and quantitative. Morphological properties belong to the group of quantitative (metric) and are conditioned by a large number of genes with additive effect (minor genes or polygenes). These properties are to a largely dependent on the conditions of the external environment and applied agrotechnology during tobacco screening. Tests were performed in 2016 at the Scientific Tobacco Institute - Prilep, on a field experiment in four repetitions with the following varieties: Virginia MV-1 CMS - Control, Virginia McNair-944, Virginia K-394 and a newly prospective line MV-1 / 14 CMS.
The results of the test are processed variationally-statistically through the parameters: mean value (x̅), mean error (Sx̅), standard deviation (S), variation coefficient (CV%), and variation width (WV). The aim of this paper is to present the variation of the more important morphological properties: the height of the plant with the inflorescence, the number of leaves per plant, and the length and width of the largest plant leaf in the varieties concerned. From the studies, we found that the tested varieties are very stable, and they have very little scattering of the morphological properties, since the variation coefficient everywhere showed a value less than 10%. We note that the newly created line MV-1/14 CMS has the slightest variation, while at the same time it has the largest leaves, which is a positive feature in large-scale tobacco of the Virginia type.
Key words: tobacco, Virginia type, morphological properties, variability