Dependents of the Oils Content in the Soybean Grain from the Maturity Group and the Seedling Dues

  • Ljupco Mihajlov


To fortify the time of seedling , and which mature group gives the highest percent of oil in soybean, was made a 10 days research in four seedling periods (from 21 March until 21 April), with four soybean varieties from two mature groups with different lasts of vegetation. Anal lyses are made to find out the influence of the year, sorts and seedling periods, in order to get higher oil content from the grain. The content of the oil in the grain was analyzed with the method of oil extraction and with the use of the ”Soksletov instrument”, from the average grain samples. The average content of oil from the grain at the time of those three years of researches (1998 - 2000), is 19,53%, the highest percent at the grains from the first (20,27), and the smallest at the fourth period of seedling 19,02. The highest percent of oil content have the grains from the sort with the longest vegetation (“Balkan”). In the driest year (2000) were received grains with the biggest oil content, which means that in the arid regions like the region “Ovce Pole” the soybean production can be organized as a substitute for the oil industry.


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