• Olga Najdenovska
  • Jovana Taneska
  • Ana Selamovska
  • Milena Taseska-Gjorgjijevski


The aim of this paper is to examine the state and quality of the water from Koselska river, as well as its influence on the quality of water in the coastal zone, more precisely where the mouth of the river flows into the lake.

Also, the goal of this research was to look at the nature and degree of possible water pollution, due to anthropogenic influence, based on the results obtained from the testing of microbiological and physio-chemical parameters, which would make it possible to predict and recommend remedial measures and minimize pollution.

To correctly interpret the results of the microbiological analysis of water, physical and chemical tests of water temperature and BOD5 were also performed.

The microbiological examination included testing the composition and dynamics of heterotrophic, psychrophilic and mesophilic bacteria, determining the index of mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria (M/P), the index of facultative oligotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria (FO/X), as well as the total number of coliform bacteria.

It was determined that the representation and abundance of all types of microorganisms is higher in the river water than in the lake water.

The total number of bacteria from Daljan region is greater in the summer period compared to other periods of the year. Likewise, consistently high values ​​of the number of coliform bacteria were determined in the two types of water.

Based on the results obtained in this research, it was determined that the water from the river affects the quality, health and safety of the water in Ohrid Lake.


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