PA-BAT METHODOLOGY IN ESTIMATING ECOSYSTEM SERVICES (Case study: ES-Nature based tourism at the Biosphere Reserve “Golija Studenica”)

  • Milica Lukovic


Term ecosystem services is relatively new in field of nature protection. It represents novel approach to nature conservation and encompass, simply defined, all benefits we derive from the natural environment. These include direct or indirect services/economy valued or non-economy valued. Ecosystem services are strongly linked to UNESCO program “Man and Biosphere” ideas and principles that conducting through World network of Biosphere Reserves. Nature-based tourism is acceptable activity within Biosphere Reserves and one of important economy branches in protected areas.
The aim of this study is to overview ecosystem services using main principles of PA-BAT methodology. For this purpose, it was selected Biosphere reserve “Golija-Studenica”, as a mosaic of different ecosystems with outstanding natural beauties and cultural heritage that has a range of benefits and represents one of two “MaB” Reserves in the Republic of Serbia. The special attention was paid to group of services directly connected and important to tourism.
Key Words: Ecosystem services, Biosphere Reserves, Nature-based tourism
JEL classification: Q5
