


Dear colleagues, students and researchers,


You are cordially invited to submit a paper to the twenty-fourth issue of the Yearbook of the Faculty of Philology by sending your proposals by September 15th 2024 to the following e-mails: and


You can find the instructions for preparation of papers for the Yearbook below.





The international Yearbook aims to publish papers in the area of language, literature, translation and teaching methodology. In addition, there is a section for reviews of books, recensions of the latest publications (books, monographs and so on) in the broader sphere of philology.

The Yearbook publishes papers in Macedonian and English. The papers should be written in Times New Roman in B5 (JIS) format and should not exceed 8 pages; all margins should be set to 2,54 cm. The text should be single spaced with the following parameters:



(Author) name surname1, (Author), name surname2


1Institution (faculty), University Goce Delcev, Stip


2 Institution (faculty), University Goce Delcev, Stip




Abstract. The abstract should summarize the overall content of your paper and contain between 70 and 150 words, written in Times New Roman size 9.

Key words: Include 6 key words.


The papers should be prepared in B5 (JIS) format (182mm × 257mm) with margins set to 2,54 cm (on all sides). The text should be aligned in (Justified) so that it covers all the space for printing. Please, arrange the pages in a manner that the horizontal length of the text is not less than 220mm wherever possible.

For the author’s/authors’ name/s use size 10 font, for the email addresses, institution and abstract size 9. For the main text, please use font size 10 and single-spaced lines. Italics can be used to emphasize some words within the main text, Bolded text should be avoided, whereas Underlined text should not be used.

Authors should use APA citation style in the in-text citations as well as for the bibliography/reference list as shown in the examples below:


а) In-text citations

For direct citation in the text you should state the author’s surname, the year of publication and the page number:

Паноска (1980) истакнува дека „сврзувањето на теоријата со практиката е од особено значење за современото училиште“ (стр. 29).

Panoska (1980) specifies that “merging theory and practice is significant for contemporary schools” (p. 29).


If the author is not mentioned at the beginning, state the author’s surname, the year of publication and the page number in parenthesis after the quotation:

Таа истакнува дека „сврзувањето на теоријата со практиката е од особено значење за современото училиште“ (Паноска, 1980, стр. 29).

She states that “merging theory and practice is significant for contemporary schools” (Panoska, 1980, p. 29)


If you use paraphrase instead of direct citation, you should use the following format:

Паноска (1980) истакнува дека во современото училиште е потребно теоријата да се поврзува со практиката.

Panoska (1980) states that contemporary schools need to merge theory with practice.


Таа истакнува дека во современото училиште е потребно теоријата да се поврзува со практиката (Паноска, 1980, стр. 29).

She states that contemporary schools need to merge theory with practice (Panoska, 1980).


b) References

Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work. If there are more articles by the same author, they should be listed in chronological order from the oldest to the most recent one.

  • Books:

Panoska, R. (1980). Methodology of Teaching Macedonian Language. Skopje: Prosvetno delo.

  • Book chapters:

Cobb, T., & Horst, M. (2001). Reading academic English: Carrying learners across the lexical threshold. In J. Flowerdew & M. Peacock (Eds.), Research perspectives in English for academic purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Journal:

Craik, F.I.M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of processing: A framework for memory research. Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior, 11(6), 671–684.

  • Websites:

Office of Statistics or Republic of Macedonia (2009). Statistical Yearbooks of Republic of Macedonia. Accessed on 4th of March 2009.


For more information, please visit the following websites:


The papers (without the author's name and surname) are reviewed by two reviewers who will work and give an opinion independently of each other. The authors will be informed about the reviewers’ opinions of their papers before the publication of the Yearbook of the Faculty of Philology.