Transport infrastructure is backbone and vital artery to the well-functioning of economic activities and a key element to interconnecting business to worldwide markets. The economic benefits of transport infrastructure investment are long-term competitiveness, productivity, innovation, lower prices and higher incomes, crucially to economic prosperity. Without question, transportation facility is on the rise in actual policy of any society, especially today in era of globalization. Any economy in national and regional level, must developing interest in revitalizing their transportation systems and to keep up with global challenges. Although transport infrastructure and the economic activities is widely associated with the economic entities on the one side, but on the other side geopolitical conditions indicate something quite the opposite, which is completely incomprehensible to the basic tenets of global processes. In this case, although the tendency to build new transport corridors, the world cope with new gaps to disable the free flow of people, goods, services, capital and information, contrary to the doctrine of the global order. The rise of regional blocs and regulations, increased border controls and trade barriers between countries members' or 'candidate countries', immigration and refugee streaming as well as the menace of the terrorist attacks are real signs of the insurmountable gap between countries. In addition, and the main question in this paper is: Does the transport infrastructure can improve link between the gaps and geopolitics differences? How long western governments, institutions in the developed countries for their own needs and policies will conspire free global flow, but with the administrative and institutional obstacles in the trade policies, indicates exactly the opposite?