Development of basic mathematical concepts - sense of counting

  • Igorcho Angelov Primary School Hinko Smrekar, Ljubljana, R. Slovenia
Keywords: numbers, counting, didactic games, mathematical concepts


We live in a time of transition when many things in life change very quickly. Therefore, we adults and especially young children are exposed to various changes that sometimes affect our and the child's psycho-physical and social development positively or negatively, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Very rapid changes also lead to a change in the entire economic system. They are even more pronounced in the educational system. Sudden changes are taking place and are still being felt in the kindergarten, which nowadays represents not only care, but also a new beginning of learning for children, because children in the kindergarten get to know and get to know different learning contents in different areas. They learn to live and develop both psychologically and socially. The whole development, however, continues and is upgraded in primary school, when children get to know a new environment, people, friends, new ways, and changes that lead to the building of their personality.

Based on this, we can say that in this time we are currently living and living in the time of Covid 19, when we have a state of emergency due to a pandemic, people are even trying to build a new system of life, the development of our new personality and the development of a new education system.

From this context, I decided to write a paper, with a purpose showing upgrading and easier ways to gain new knowledge in mathematics. In this article, I present some theoretical starting points as well as practical activities that need to be carried out in kindergarten and in the 1st triad of primary school for children to start with mathematics from an early age and fall in love with it.


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