Through Integrated Marketing Communications to better Market Positioning for the Macedonian Wine

  • Tamara Jovanov Marjanova
  • Elenica Sofijanova
  • Violeta Dimovska
  • Violeta Ivanova


Wine is not just an ordinary drink; it is a way of life. Is Macedonia, throughout its rich tradition as one of the oldest countries – wine producers in the world, really a country that can produce wine of a high quality? The answer is defi nitely “YES!” Today, Macedonian wines are offering the best quality, but in order to be under a great impression and tell about it, you must fi rst have a reliable source to gather the information about the wine as well as the country of origin. We know that we produce wines of great quality and taste, but does the world know about it? It is a fact that the business of Macedonian wineries has grown in the past few years and it has opened itself to the world. The experts think that the development will continue in the next period as well. Macedonian wineries fi nally have opened themselves to the world, but the question remains - will the world be opened to them, in a period of crisis for wine production on world level and unhidden domination of the New World Countries (Australia, Argentina, Chile) on the market with their cheap fruity wines, which have changed the stereotypes of French wines being the best ones. Where is Macedonia in this fl ood of offers? How can the domestic wineries create wine brands known by their quality, and escape the picture of being producers of cheap wine. It is one thing to be able to produce a good or a service that will have the wanted characteristics and benefi ts for the client. But, it is another to be able to create a message and communicate with the clients and lead them to action and create a preference for the product, through better market positioning. The companies must learn how to communicate with their clients in an effective way. The solution for effective and effi cient communication is in promotion or so called Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) that can deliver unique, precise and attractive message to the customer.


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