New Approach of Management in Organizational Conflict Situation

  • Elenica Sofijanova
  • Petar Kletnikoski


The organizational confl ict is quick mover of the organizational changes,with a diffusion in the organizational structures which asks for new managingstyles. A partnership between the involved sides cannot be still seen in ourorganizations. Constructive progress is missing because organizationalmaturity is not present which is noticed through the working pleasure,confi dence and great fi nancial power. The process of satisfaction is startedwith a priority to the common, organizational needs and goals and then theymove to the individuals. That is a positive and signifi cant indicator for thebeginning of the way of thinking for organizational development is changed.Low organizational maturity is seen through excitement in work, which is themost present in the agronomy with a conclusion that the management is seen asindifference and the organizational confl icts are solved. A good partnership’srelations and management skills are needed in order to create qualitativeinter-groups which will be the leading parts in managing the differences bydeveloping the common progress. Only in that way disqualifi cation will becreated with the styles the managers use for solving the confl ict situations inthe organization.


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