Production and balance among of cereal plants in Republic of Macedonia

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Dragica Spasova
  • Lupco Mihajlov
  • Dusan Spasov
  • Natalija Markova Ruzdic
  • Verica Ilieva
  • Elenica Sofijanova



Grain production in the Republic of Macedonia is accomplished by producing a grain of wheat (287 454 t), barley (153 055 t) and maize (136 930 t). Rye, rice and oats are produced in a smaller quantities.

The cereal plants do not satisfy the domestic demands, even though they have strategic significance and are the most present crops. Wheat is the dominant cereal that takes up more than half of the total planted area with cereal crops, and it is followed by barley with approximately 24% and maize by around 17% of the total arable land.

Barley and maize are mostly used as feed, but also a large part of wheat is used as feed, especially in the family farms. There is an average annual production of cereal crops of about 546 760 tons with an average yield of all cereal crops of about 3,38 t/ha.

Key words: production, cereals, yield, area, plants


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