The paper refers to the book “Long journey home” (2022) by Vesna Kozhinkova, which resulted from her research for her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “The Aegean Theme in Contemporary Macedonian Prose through the Modalities of Domesticity”. With this book, Kozhinkova explored a whole thematic complex in Macedonian literature, recognizable by the fact that it treats the subject of forcibly exiled Macedonians from Aegean Macedonia during the Civil War in Greece. The paper presents the overall content of the book's chapters and comments on the issues raised in it, as well as the author's approach and conclusions. Kozhinkova's “Long Journey Home” represents an extremely big research in the field of Macedonian philology and cultural science, more precisely in the field of contemporary Macedonian literature and culture, which contributes to the affirmation and reference of Macedonian literary-theoretical scientific thought. This book represents a thorough research that will be the basis on which some future researchers will build on, supplement and debate.
Keywords: Vesna Kozhinkova; contemporary Macedonian prose; Aegean Macedonia; domesticity; exile; identity; otherness.
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