Inheritance of Protein Content in Crosses of Cultivated White and Red-Grain Rice Genotypes
The mode of inheritance, variability and heritability of protein content inthe F2 generation hybrids obtained by crossing of cultivated white and red-grainrice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) were investigated in this paper.In the majority of the investigated combinations the inheritance isintermediar and in some of the combinations dominant and partially dominantinheritance appears. The variability is relatively low and ranges from 2,35-3,58% in the parents and from 2,75-11,61% in the F2 generation hybrids. Theinheritance of the protein content in the investigated combinations is almostequally determined by yhe genetic and environmental variance. The combinationred-grain genotype N03 x ranka has the highest heritability (56,58%). Thiscombination is the most promising for the selection of high protein genotypes.References
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