Inheritance of the Panical Lenght in Hybrid Obtained by Top-Cross in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

  • Dobre Andov
  • Verica Ilieva
  • Danica Andreevska


Subject of investigation are ten rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) and their F1 and F2 generation hybrids obtained by top-cross, where two varieties (Monticelli and Loto) are used as a father, and eight varieties as a mother (M-101, Drago, Osogovka, Oanda, Mesen Blatec, Rosa Marcheti, Koral and Kripto). The property – panicle length was analysed and the average values, variability, mode of inheritance, heritability and combining ability were investigated. During the investigations a medium variability was obtained, lowest (11,84%) in the F1 generation hybrid combination Osogovka x Loto and highest (17,20%) in the F2 generation combination Rosa marhetti x Loto. Heritability ranges from 29,53% in the hybrid combination Kripto x Monticelli to 78,73% in the combination Rosa marhetti x Loto. A dominant mode of inheritance has been confi rmed in most of the combinations. The variance values for GCA (General Combining Ability) and SCA (Specifi c Combining Ability) in both investigated hybrid generations are statistically signifi cant. The additive and non-additive genes play a signifi cant role in the inheritance of this property, with the additive genes playing a major role. A better combiner among the two testers in the F1 and F2 generations is the variety Monticelli. Among the mother components in the F1 generation, good combiners are the varieties Rosa marhetti and Panda and Rosa marhetti, Panda and m-101 in F2 generation. These varieties participate in the combination with good SCA.


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