The Content of Proteins and Some Morphological Characteristics at Rice (ORYZA SATIVA L.) in Corelation to the Nitrogen Fertilizing

  • Danica Andreevska
  • Mirko Spasenovski
  • Vidoja Trpeski


The variants:1-control -unfertilized; 2- N00P0.65K0.75 basic fertilization;3-N1.00P0.65K0.75 basic fertilization; 4- N2.00P0.65K0.75 basic fertilization; 5-N1.00+1.00P0.65K0.75 soil split-application; 6-N1.00+1.00P0.65K0.75 foliar splitapplicationand 7-N1.00+0.50+0.50P0.65K0.75 double foliar split-application, that is,5g NPK (20:13:15) + 2,2g urea 46% per pot/10 kg soil in rice varieties:osogovka, kocanski and monticelli, were investigated in pot experiments. Thebasic fertilization was carried but pre-sowing and the split-application in thebeginning of rice heading.At the stage of full maturity, the lowest number of productive tillersper pot/6 plants, the smallest stem height and panicle length, as well as thelowest protein nitrogen content and grain protein in the three varieties wasrecorded in variants 1 and 2. The variant 4 was most efficient, because itincreased the number of productive tillers, the morphological elements and thetotal production of proteins in the grain per pot. The variants with the splitapplicationwere more efficient in the increase of protein nitrogen content andgrain proteins and their highest content in the three varieties was obtained inthe variant 5.


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