Growth and Productive - Technological Characteristics of Introduced Genotypes of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Agroecological Conditions of the Kocani Region
Nine genotypes of rice (garant, zemja, mizija, kubrat, horizont, dunav,linija-2, linija 305 and LM-BP) introduced from Bulgaria are being examinedin comparison to two standard varieties of rice (monticelli and biser-2) in theconditions of the Kocani rice-producing region. The researches have beencarried out in 2006 and 2007. Different values were obtained about the examinedproperties as a result of the specifi c varieties and the year of cultivation. Thegenotypes LM-BP and kubrat have shown higher yield of white rice comparedto the standard rice varieties. The examination of both of these genotypesshould continue with special emphasis on the quality properties and theirreaction to certain agrotechnical measures. The rest of the examined genotypeswill be included in new selection programmes due to their individual positiveproperties.References
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