The Influence of Fertilizers on the Morphological Characteristics of Fruit on Pepper Kurtovska Kapija

  • Mite Ilievski
  • Dragica Spasova
  • Kirov N


During 2001 and 2003 year on the field of Institute of Southern crops-Strumica, on alluvial soil with neutral-acid soil reaction, needy reserve withnitrogen's, middle reserve with phosphorus and potassium, has beeninvestigated the fertalization on Kurtovska kapija with tomasphosfate and NPKfertilizers and their effect on the morphological characteristics of papper.The results of all resarch variants have been showed that themorfological characteristics on fruit of Kurtovska kapija were depends withuser combination and dose of fertilizers and climatic conditions.The all fertilizers variants showed better effect on morphologicalcharacteristics of the fruit. The mass of the fruit on the average of two years ofinvestigation have increased from 6,27% to 11,59%. The fertilized variantsgave fruits with 112,40 g-119,42 g weight in better year, but in the worstclimatic conditions the weight of the fruit was between 91,39 g and 100,90 g(2001 year).The results have been showed that the variant 4 (14,13 cm) had the besteffect on the fruits length, which was for apsolutely 1,22 cm or 9,45% morecomparing with control variant (12,91 cm).


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