Statistical Processing of the Chemical Analysis of Some Meat Production

  • Aco Kuzelov
  • Dijana Naseva
  • Goran Bojkov


The inceptions of industrial meat processing on the territory of theRepublic of Macedonia date from the second half of the last century. Тoday,there are several meat industries, which have introduced many standards forfood safety. However, only one of them having set rounded products (slaughterof cattle and pigs and production of meat products) has implemented HACCPsystem and ISO-2001-9000. This company has its own laboratory where theraw materials and the fi nished product are examined. Various organoleptic,chemical and microbiological tests are commonly performed in the laboratoryexisting in this meat company. The above mentioned meat industry has thelongest tradition in the Republic of Macedonia. The aim of this study is tomonitor the quality of few chosen products (Tea Sausage, Meat Luncheon,Beef Goulash and Smoked Pork Collar) through parameters obtained bychemical analysis. Series of ten chemical analyses of chosen parameters weregathered through a longer period of time and were treated by mathematicalstatisticalanalysis.The obtained results show that the achieved quality fully meets the worldstandards for such types of meat products.


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