Participation of Main Components and Tissues in Carcasses of Scruss Recieved Between and Bushy Simental
The paper includes slaughter results and analyzes in the share basic parts,muscle, fat, bone and connective tissue in bovine carcasses of scrub, receivedbetween shaggy and simental. For that goal the dissection was performed on22 beef halves with an average weight of 122, 8 kg. Participation of thigh massin the trunk was 30, 2%, back and shoulder 17, 89 % below shoulder, ribs,chest, neck, pelvis, forearm, and below knee 47, 3%.After cutting the trunk of basic parts and performed dissection of basiccommodities, the share of meat from the mass of the fuselage presented inpercentages is 68, 90 %. 15, 28 % bone adipose tissue 9, 58 % and 6, 24 %connective tissue.After the tests on tissue composition, it is noted that the largest shareof meat is in the thigh by 75, 29% fats are most common in abdominal partswith 17,29% bones are most common in below knee with 46,23% and connectivetissue in the part of the ribs with 9,52 %.The smallest share of meat of the basic parts are at the part of the belowknee with 42,66% fat are least represented in the thighs with 6,39% whilethe meat from the abdominal appears as 6,39%, while the meat from partwithout bones, and connective tissue is present at least in shoulder meatwhich in percentage is 3,08%.References
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