• Tanja Angelkova Petkova
  • Cvetanka Ristova
  • Suzana Đorđević Milošević


Online booking represents the easiest and most efficient way to organize your holiday. Its advantage comes from saving time in terms of visiting numerous travel agencies, with offers for numerous tourist destinations opposite the option where with only one click you will be able to access your desired destination and booked it. The statistics showed that two-thirds of those who used the internet, planned their holiday at least twice through online booking in the same year.
From the statistics in this paper regarding the online booking and its representation in the world, it is safe to conclude that this type of booking has attracted considerable attention in the last few years. A survey has been done on how the population in Gevgelija sees the benefits of this type of reservations and how often they apply the online booking in their planned holidays. The research noted that the population actively participates in online booking, whether it is a hotel that offers online reservation, restaurant or a transportation.
Key Words: growth, tourism, internet, hotels, tourist destination
