Research trends in education in multicultural environments in the Republic of Macedonia

  • Elizabeta Tomevska-Ilievska
  • Emilija Simonovska Janackovska
  • Sadudin Sadiki


The interest of the research of this paper is to answer a number of questions, which on one siderelate to the need for conceptual strengthening of the relevant education stakeholders to foster better inertethnicrelations in education, and on the other side, to offer possible solutions in the process of creating saferenvironment in schools. The research aims to evaluate the conceptual structure and the efficiency of theprojects ‘Safe Schools’ and ‘School (peer) Mediation’, as models for prevention and intervention in casesinvolving school violence, as well as their influence on fostering better inter-ethnic relations and on providingsafer school environment in selected group of secondary schools from six multi-ethnic municipalities in thecountry.The study of the problem is done by evaluation research. The requirements of this type of researchare based on the need for analysis of the conceptual structure of the project models and content analysis ofthe relevant project documentation. Because of the latter the research is characterized as theoretical research.As a result of the complex and multiplying structure of the research problem, priority has been given to theattitudes and the needs of the relevant stakeholders in this process, which points out the empirical character ofthe research. The study assumes that the conceptual structure of the projects ‘Safe Schools’ and ‘School(peer) Mediation’, as models for prevention and intervention in cases involving school violence, positivelyinfluences the strengthening of the inter-ethnic relations and securing safe school environment in the selectedgroup of secondary schools from six multi-ethnic municipalities in the country.


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